Friday, 16 March 2018

The No-Nonsense Guide for Web Developer

As a beginner web developer you may be facing a lot of mind boggling resources for web development sprinkling across the World Wide Web and moving everywhere but going nowhere in terms of objectivity. That is why I have formulated this guide which is a straightforward and easy to follow to get you started and rock as a top web developer.

The key is to equip you with the relevant and focused skills to be able to start developing web apps and give realization to your crazy ideas. So let’s get started.

The Beginner’s Trio:

The first three steps are HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript as a foundation for every web developer. These are the building blocks as HTML which is a markup language is itself foundation of a web page. Consider it as a structure of the house e.g. front door, walls, windows, roof etc. in the form of its elements like header, body, and paragraph tags to put your text in.
CSS is all about furnishing the structure of web page based on HTML elements via stylizing and formatting. For instance let’s give color to the door of your house to brown with a height of 250cm and width of 100cm and position it in the middle of the house. The same applies for HTML elements e.g. give paragraph content the font of Calibri, make its size to 14pt and position the paragraph in the middle of division via stylizing e.g. CSS.

As we are done up with structure and presentation let’s give the action e.g. add a handle to door so that when it’s moved the clang will notify resident that someone is knocking at the door. This is where JavaScript comes into place to add interactivity to your website e.g. changing the color of menu on mouse hover etc. OR greet a user with welcome message if a button is clicked on the website.

The Never Ending Journey:

As web is evolving day by day and so as a top web developer you also have to advance by keeping yourself updated with latest tools and technologies. After mastering the beginners stuff e.g. Html, CSS and JavaScript you should also master related web developer frameworks. The first to deal in this spectrum are BootStrap and AngularJS.

Remember web development is never ending journey but for those who at least master the initial Html, CSS and JavaScript if they want to succeed, earn and dominate in the world of web application development for long.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Top Web Development Frameworks 2018

For any web developer there are a number of things to consider e.g. appearance of a website, database connectivity, mapping, APIs, caching, services etc. To simply all these aspects they take advantage of web development frameworks that automate web development. In this piece of writing, we’ll look at top web development frameworks in 2018 considered by top web development company professionals.

Also referred as AngularJS it is a JavaScript framework from Google for dynamic web applications development. This framework has many great features. 

It supports Model, View, and Controller (MVC) architecture. Its expressions are like little code snippets, enclosed inside curly braces and do not use any complex loops or conditional statements. The key is to just format and display data. Some cool websites like Freelancer, Netflix are built using this technology.

Ruby on Rails:
This server-side web development framework based upon Ruby as programming language. Its biggest advantage is of reusability feature., GitHub etc. are built using this technology. 

It is quiet flexible and can be used for the development application pertaining to any domain or business.

Express JS:
Another JavaScript based framework developed upon Node.js. Through Express.js you can also develop mobile applications.HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with a basic knowledge of Mongo DB are the pre-requisites to work on this framework. 

Express JS is best fitted for those whose want to develop simple web services and APIs rather than high end web portals.

Zend Framework:
Zend is one of the open source web development framework having Php as its base language. If you are interested in building secure, modern and reliable websites, applications then this framework is meant for you. 

As Php supports object-oriented programming the power of inheritance can also be utilized through it.

Another from the top web development framework and Php based is the Laravel suited for both web and mobile applications for small and big enterprises. Laravel has many powerful features, such as strong authorization, object oriented programming, MVC support, Databases, open source,  modular packaging  etc. 

It is the most latest and modern Php framework for Web Application Development.